Collaborating with the talented team at Cross Cut Pictures, we embarked on a creative expedition to produce a visually stunning animated masterpiece for Target's enchanting "More Imagination" campaign. This collaborative effort seamlessly weaves Target's unmistakable branding into the fabric of our narrative as our animated character embarks on a captivating journey through a meticulously crafted series of stylized fantasy environments. Each frame is a testament to the synergy between imagination and brand identity, and the result is a vivid tapestry that not only showcases our technical prowess but also invites viewers into a whimsical world where Target's essence is intricately integrated into the very soul of the animation
Software used: ZBrush, Cinema 4D, Redshift, Marvelous Designer, TurbulenceFD, RedGiant
Studio: Cross Cut Pictures
Creative Direction, Art Direction & 3D animation: Dylan Blau
Producer: Chelsea Kaiser
Sound Design: Dmitry Antonenko